Process Mining
Many CFOs are currently involved in transforming the finance function. This movement is based on focusing the finance department on value-adding tasks (i.e. tasks that are important to steer the business) and at the same ...
Many CFOs are currently involved in transforming the finance function. This movement is based on focusing the finance department on value-adding tasks (i.e. tasks that are important to steer the business) and at the same ...
The US semiconductor manufacturer Intel had outstanding technical leaders at the top in its founders Gordon E. Moore (Moore's Law) and Robert Noyce. However, the Hungarian immigrant Andy Grove, who joined the company shortly after its foundation ...
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ist eine Technologie, die zunehmend eingesetzt wird, da sie in diversen Bereichen Vorteile bringt. Dies wurde unter anderem durch den steigenden Kostendruck ...
Results are encouraging In 2015, SAP launched S/4HANA, a completely new business suite to replace the widely used SAP ECC (ERP Central Component), the market for enterprise resource...
Der Höhepunkt der ersten – und hoffentlich einzigen – Welle an Corona-Infektionen scheint überwunden zu sein. Deshalb wird die Wirtschaft langsam wieder hochgefahren und viele Unternehmen müssen neben der akuten Krisenbewältigung auch wieder einen Blick nach vorne wagen. ...
Am 03.06.2020 beschloss die Bundesregierung umfassende Maßnahmen zur Ankurbelung der sich in einer starken Rezession befindlichen Wirtschaft. Eine der größten Initiativen darin ist, die Mehrwertsteuer temporär ab...
Wie Sie die Vorteile der Digitalisierung im Working Capital Management auch in Krisenzeiten nutzen Ein effektives Working Capital Management gewinnt in Zeiten der Corona-bedingten Rezession mehr und...
Studies show that start-ups which setup appropriate controlling structures early on are more likely to succeed and grow in a more structured way. However, simply transferring what works in established corporations ...
Many companies are struggling to get the most out of planning – too often it is monovalent and does not support the dynamic steering of a company which is essential, especially in volatile and unpredictable times like right now. ...
In 2015, SAP launched S/4HANA, a completely new business suite to replace the widely used SAP ECC (ERP Central Component), the market for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system applications. ...